Find out how to send your packages to Savignano sul Rubicone immediately your suitcases and your pallets, enter the shipping details, choose the best rate based on the available express courier.
Use our rate calculator to find the best shipping rate. Get a quote now.
Choose the date on which the courier will collect the home shipment from the specified address. home collection does not include additional costs furthermore, the courier will take care of delivering your shipment to the recipient within the established times.
Track your shipments for free and find out the delivery status and exact location where they are at any time.
Send packages, envelopes, pallets and suitcases to Savignano sul Rubicone
Our couriers will deliver shipments in times ranging from a minimum of 48 hours excluding the day on which the shipment is collected from home.
Through the shipping label generation procedure you can search for a municipality simply by typing the characters of the location, the intelligent search will show you all the corresponding municipalities so as to prevent any errors.
You can also ship to other countries, our platform is constantly growing and every day we integrate more and more foreign countries.
Our platform is constantly evolving, we have a widespread enough network to offer all our customers optimal solutions for sending parcels to Italy and around the world .
We have chosen only the best shipping partners present in the national territory and in the world in order to guarantee our customers a complete, clear and reliable shipping service.
When creating a shipment it will be necessary to choose the sender and destination location, then through the guided procedure it will be possible to identify and then choose a shipment courier which best suits your needs based on price or estimated delivery times.
We have all the best solutions that allow you to manage your e-commerce by automating it in order to help you save on resources and management costs.
You can manage all your orders that are placed from other platforms directly on SpedireWeb.
Without additional costs we offer you our plugins to integrate into your platforms, furthermore if you have a customized application or site you can take advantage of our API to generate your orders without going through SpedireWeb.
Immediately activate the SpedireWeb OpenAPI service and start managing your e-commerce without worries.
SpedireWeb offers you the possibility to customize your shipments to guarantee greater flexibility.
Delivery to floor - We will deliver your shipments directly to the recipient's floor.
Evening delivery - We will deliver your shipments to the recipient only in the evening hours.
Saturday Delivery - We will deliver your shipments to the recipient on Saturday.
Paperless - Our couriers will print and apply the shipping label to your package.
Outbound and return - During the delivery of the shipment to the recipient, the return will be collected.
Collection point - You can have your shipment delivered to an affiliated store, the recipient will then collect it.
Protect your shipments by insuring them against possible accidental damage or theft.
For many retailers, insurance coverage is like having a parachute and also helps protect the safety of the goods contained within shipments.
Insurance coverage is not applicable to all shipments, there are some shipments that cannot be insured, always check if what you are shipping is insurable and complies with the regulations relating to insured shipments .
The service can only be activated when creating a shipment directly from the accessories section.
If your shipment has been insured, SpedireWeb will contact the courier directly in order to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.
Payment with cash on delivery is cash on delivery and is offered by many couriers.
When making purchases remotely, for example via the internet, one of the payments required may be cash on delivery. Today online purchases are much more frequent than in the past.
The service can only be activated when creating a shipment directly from the accessories section.
In short, cash on delivery is payment on delivery, i.e. only when the shipment is delivered to the recipient, the courier demands payment to deliver the shipment.
We offer multiple support channels that allow you to contact us however you want, whenever you want.
You can contact us as you prefer and whenever you want via one of the many available channels, i.e.: chat, email or on the main social networks.
Our team is always at your disposal for clarifications, assistance, suggestions or to manage all your complaint or refund procedures.
The days and hours of assistance of our online operators are from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 19:00 and may vary based on holidays.
Location | ZIP code | Province | Reason | Country |
Savignano sul Rubicone | 47039 | FC | Emilia Romagna | Italy |